Mimic hivemind
Location Random
Monster type Unknown
Alignment Chaotic
Unique? No
Sees invisible? No
Sees in the dark? No
Magic resistance Medium
Picks up items? No
1.1.1 KPL 5

Mimic hivemind is a type of monster in ADOM. Like lesser mimics, mimic hiveminds disguise themselves as items on the floor until disturbed, and have paralyzing attacks. Their powerful paralyzing attacks make them very dangerous to PCs in the mid-to-late game lacking paralyzation resistance; unprepared adventurers can have their health heavily drained by just one hivemind alone. Like master mimics, mimic hiveminds are very fast.

Special abilities[]

Common stats[]

Level: 1, DV: 19, PV: 16, Hits: 190, Attacks: 2, Damage: 8-44. Speed: 130.
Level: 7, DV: 21, PV: 16, Hits: 136?, Attacks: 2, Damage: 9-45. Speed: 130.

Corpse effects[]

Mimics don't leave corpses.

Monster memory[]

You know it's gonna be a bad day when a bottle of water beats you up. These predators have no natural shape, and the shape they do assume is always different — and VERY convincing. How can you recognize them? Well, if that "inanimate" object in front of you suddenly has hundreds of nasty teeth and a couple of long, sticky arms with razor-sharp barbs covered in glue, then it's a mimic hivemind. Their antennae allegedly enable them to telepathically summon more of their ilk.
