
The following lists known bugs in ADOM version 1.1.1. that may do anything from crash the game and terminate the PC to provide an unfair and unrealistic advantage to the player. If the player has a game-ending crash, it is necessary to delete the adom.prc file from their adom directory before the game my be played again. Jaakkos' server will make an automatic backup every time the player 'S'aves, so this may be an option for crash-prone players.

Note that all of these bugs have been fixed in the current version.

A list of ongoing bug fixes — as well as added features — can currently be found on this page.

Ingot Crash[]

The ingot crash occurs when the PC is making ingots, generally by smithing, but also rarely from random drops. The crash seems to be primarily triggered by dropping multiple ingots, and it is believed that it may be related to improper stacking of the ingots. The best ways to avoid the crash are to 1) avoid picking up or dropping ingots, 2) when smithing, use all of the ingots that you produce, 3) don't smith. There is an unofficial patch to the game available that also fixes this bug. Ingot crashes are game-ending.

Berserking Ally Crash[]

Players who use companions will occasionally come across this frustrating crash. When a slave or companion panics, it will occasionally generate the message "The foo stares at the foo strangely" or something similar. At this point, the NPC may try to berserk itself; however, instead it will result a save-ending crash. In this crash, the game will repeatedly save and exit after every turn. Fortunately, then, this does not result in a loss of save, but makes the floor that the NPC is on relatively impassible. If the PC manages to leave the level or kill the panicking NPC, the game will cease saving and play may continue as normal.

Piety Overflow[]

If the PC's piety reaches an extremely high (or extremely low) value, then they will experience an integer overflow error, whereby a large positive piety will be converted to a large negative one, or vice versa. Well-prepared PCs may exploit this bug to give themselves effectively unlimited piety, allowing for multiple precrownings and endless prayers for healing.

Item Overflow[]

If a stack of items grows too large (larger than ~2 billion), then adding a small additional number of items to the stack may result in a massive negative stack of the items. The properties of negative stacks are poorly understood, but there are a variety of crashes associated with this effect. The only item that can feasibly reach such large numbers is gold, which can be exponentially grown via the Casino or dragon doubling.

Moloch Armor Energy Cost Overflow[]

If a monster tries to equip moloch armor, instead of requiring a massive energy cost to do so (as intended) this number will wrap around into a large negative number — allowing the monster to take about 28 turns before the player can take theirs.

Speed Overflow[]

If the PC's speed falls low enough (by drinking cursed potions of quickling blood ), it can overflow into a very large number. Of course, this can happen the other way around if the PC's speed becomes too high; though speed of below -32768 or above 32767, respectively, are required for these events to occur.

Skilled Talents[]

Players choosing the skilled talent will immediately result in a game-ending crash.

Exchanging Gold Bug[]

Dipping gold into a potion of exchange immediately results in a game-ending crash.

Khelly Crash[]

The Khelly crash bug is associated with NPCs (most notably Khelavaster, but also Thrundar) who drop large numbers of items at once upon completion of their quest. On some occasions that are not well understood, this will result in a game-ending crash. Paranoid players may wish to back up their savegame prior to initiating these quests.

Unholy Aura Crash[]

There are a few known crashes associated with the unholy aura corruption's effects on non-hostile NPCs. For example, 'C'hatting to Thrundarr after he has been scared by the corruption will generally result in a game-ending crash.

Corrupting Mindcraft Crash[]

If the PC, with a (Greater) Mind Blast, kills a corrupting monster that is standing behind another monster, the game will crash.

Poisoned Meat Taming Crash[]

If an animal (e.g. a cat) 'snatches' a piece of meat given to them that is poisoned, the game may crash. The same is reportedly true for giving black hurthlings poisoned fish meat

Scroll of Repair Crash[]

If the PC reads a scroll of repair but has nothing equipped or in their inventory, the game will crash.

Taking Off Destroyed Armor[]

If the PC's body armor gets destroyed by a monster whilst (s)he is attempting to take it off, the player will still be prompted as to whether or not they want to continue taking off the armor; selecting (y)es crashes the game.

Circle Kick Bug

The Monk's circle kick (and Fighter's all around attack) ability does not behave correctly if the PC next adjacent to a neutral or tame monster. The PC will receive the "Are you sure you wish to kick the foo?" message, but, if no is selected, the monk will still kick and damage all hostile monsters around them without paying the energy cost for the circle kick. This effectively means that the monk can repeatedly kick all adjacent monsters to death without spending any turns. Game-breakingly exploitable.

Good Learner Bug[]

The good learner talent gives a massive 40% experience boost instead of the stated 2% boost. Great learner reduces this bonus to 20%.

Free Pickup Bug[]

While standing on an item, or stack of items next to a wall, the PC can pick up these items without wasting a turn by activating Auto_Pickup and walking into the wall. The items will be picked up, but no turn passes.

Turn Reduction Bug[]

When using the ";" command to pick up items, standing on a stack, hitting q in the prompt without actually picking up any item actually causes the turn meter to go down by one turn. The turn meter can even go into the negatives this way. This provides an easy method to finish the game with any number of "turns passed", resulting in ludicrous bonus score. There is no actual in-game benefit, as in-game time cannot be dialed back. In challenge games that feature the number of elapsed turns as a central item, such as speedruns, using this bug is obviously frowned upon.

Berserking Enemy Bug[]

On rare occasions, an enemy will go into a berserk rage and will attack itself, which, fairly often, results in the death of the foe. This does not produce a crash, but does deny the player the experience that foe should have given, and, if the foe was related to a quest, denies the quest reward (eg. if Kranach panicks and kills himself, Tywat Pare will not give the PC the reward for killing Kranach ). Under most other circumstances this bug is a relatively harmless novelty.

Necromancer bug[]

When a neutral necromancer summons (slightly) hostile companions, they may attack their master eventually leading to its death.

Naming bug[]

While blind one can easily locate himself by the 'n'aming function. This can save lives in some conditions while generally useless.

The same method can be used to find invisible opponents, eg. Li-Hon-Kay.
