Amulet of balance ( ' )
Item Type Amulet
Artifact? No
Weight 3s
Danger Level 3
Material Iron

Amulets of balance are rather rare items that, when worn, can greatly reduce the impact of chaotic or lawful deeds on the PC's alignment, but only if the PC is neutral. For PCs who are lawfully or chaotically aligned, an amulet of balance will have no effect whatsoever.

A blessed amulet will divide alignment impacts by 8, an uncursed amulet by 4, and a cursed one will halve them.


For Champions of balance, or characters that have invested in a high piety score with their neutral deity, this amulet can be quite desirable. It can be worn situationally when performing non-neutral deeds (such as grave robbing) in order to minimize the impact of these activities upon the PC's alignment.

Amulets of balance are no help if you want to achieve neutrality. If you want to shift your alignment from chaotic to neutral, obtain an amulet of order instead, or use other methods, such as performing lawful quests or using an altar. If you want to shift your alignment from lawful to neutral, attack a non-hostile creature, steal, shoplift, rob graves, kill a child, or perform a myriad of other available despicable acts.

Guaranteed/Common sources[]

It can be gotten as a random item from killing or pickpocketing a monster. Guth'Alak will reward druids with one if they kill Keethrax.

You will also receive an amulet of balance if you become crowned as a neutral champion.

Greater Identify information[]

--------------------------- blessed amulet of balance --------------------------

When used in melee combat it grants a -4 bonus to hit and causes 1d3 points of
damage. When used as a missile it grants a -4 bonus to hit and causes 1d3
points of damage.

